Welcome to Avon School

te kura O Ōtākaro 

Avon School, Te kura o Ōtākaro, is a full primary school catering for children from Year 1-8. Avon is situated on the corner of Hamlet Street and Warwick Road in Stratford.

Avon School is a vibrant learning community. We encourage all of our ākonga and whānau to demonstrate our S.T.A.R.S values of Self Management (Mana Motukake), Teamwork   (Kotahitanga), Aroha (Kindness), Respect (Manaakitanga) and Success (Whakamana) in all that we do.

We strive to provide all ākonga with the tools and confidence to be and do their best. And enable them to be successful life long learners.

Celebrating 25 Years

At the beginning of 2024, Tessa celebrated her 25th Year teaching at Avon School. We would like to acknowledge her service and dedication to our kura. We were able to celebrate this milestone with her at our unveiling of our new playground.

2024 Year Ahead:

Term 1

Wednesday 31 January - Friday 12 April 

Term 2

Monday 29 April - Friday 5th July

Term 3

Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September 

Term 4

Monday 14 October - Wednesday 18 December


8:50am - School starts, Learning session 1

10:30am - Morning tea

10.50 - 11.00  - Eating time

11am - 12:30pm - Learning session 2

12:30 - Lunch time

12:50  - 1pm - Eating time

1pm - 2:30 - Learning session 3

2:30 - Home bell

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