Our Year So Far

                           Our Highlights!


We'd like to acknowledge and thank Peter McNamara and Alan Whakamarurangi and their whānau,  who spent many hours preparing the site and building the framing for our playground.




Nearly ready!

Bark Delivery

Moving the bark

All hands on deck!


Morning dawns

Whānau arrive

Hemi blessing

Giving our wairua

Time to play

Swings in action

Everyone sharing

Having fun!

Pōwhiri for new Whānau

We have initiated this year a welcoming our new whānau through a pōwhiri. We hold these at the beginning of each term to embrace any new ākonga and their whānau so they become part of our kura. Holding these pōwhiri each term also enables our ākonga to understand and develop their knowledge of tikanga and kawa of this important ceremony.

Term 3 pōwhiri - Tuesday July 23rd.

Sporting In 2024

Last year our whānau commented on being able to offer more sporting opportunities to our tamariki.

@024 has seen us already compete in the: 

Stratford Senior (Year 7-8) Basketball League.

A ripper tournament in Hawera at the Hub for our Year 7-8 ākonga.

Stratford Tuesday touch competition.

Athletics with Eltham and Pembroke Term 1.

Basketball team at the Taranaki Airs game

Yoga Year 1-2

Ripper Hawera

Ripper Hawera

Touch term 1

Touch Term 1

Athletics at Eltham

Athletics at Eltham

Beach ED

On the February 2nd we travelled to Fitzroy Beach to learn about being safe in the sea. We learnt about RIPs and how the sea can change really quickly when the weathers a bit unsettled. We had fun in the waves but soon learnt that we need to keep an eye on the flags as the waves pushed us out of the safe zone! Remember if in doubt, stay out!

Life Education

On the 14th and 15th February we had a visit from Harold. He worked with our tamariki on being a good friend, being healthy and being resilient. We were so excited to see Harold and visit his big truck!

Enviro journey

We are working hard to get our maara kai replanted as our summer crops are done. We were able to share some of our vegetables with our community. 

We are working on our environmental learning every second Wednesday, we look forward to sharing more of our mahi with you all soon.